All Available Workshops
Al Coritz, Electron Microscopy Sciences, Hatfield, Pennsylvania, USA
Al has been working in the Electron Microscopy field for 39 years, beginning at the Yale School of Medicine and ending up on the commercial side with several key EM companies. His specialty is Cryo-techniques and Thin Film Technology: i.e. Freeze Fracture/Rotary Shadowing, High Pressure Freezing, and more. He is currently with Electron Microscopy Sciences where he has been the Technical Director for over 20 years.
​Helmut Gnaegi, Diatome, Ltd., Biel, Switzerland
Helmut's background is in engineering and he is one of the founders of Diatome, the leading supplier of diamond knives and related accessories, such as ionizers and manipulators, etc. He is also one of the leading instructors for ultramicrotomy courses (Biological and Materials) around the world.
​Peter van de Plas, Aurion, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Peter has a background in histology and immunocytochemistry and joined Aurion in 1991. During the pioneering of Aurion in the early nineties, he worked closely with Dr. Leunissen in founding a firm basis for Aurion. He contributed not only to the development of product applications, but also in designing the Aurion Immuno Gold Silver Staining workshop. He has been invited to many international microscopy conferences and workshops, and is especially experienced in providing hands-on training. Former workshop attendees and customers appreciate Peter for his technical support on and his thorough knowledge of the Immuno Gold Silver Staining techniques. The Aurion Immuno Gold workshops in Europe, Asia, Australia, and the US have all been fully attended and very well received.